Cover Show
What a year it's been for us all,
You guys asked us for some christmas tunes so here they are
We've chosen a few Christmas classics and a few Christmas adverts
Our business/industry has been one of the hardest hit and 10 months later we are still not back to work! We're not scared to say that this has hit us both mentally and financially, the last few months have been the toughest we've known, so having everyone asking for some Christmas tunes has helped us focus on something productive.
This EP is again free to download, enjoy, hopefully put a smile on your face and when you play it we hope it makes you feel happy.
If you are in a position to leave us some Christmas cheer please use the link to our Paypal and know that we are grateful and we thank you.
We will miss you all this festive season, please stay safe so we can see you all at the front of the stage at the end of this.
oh and as always do something nice for someone